cha ching
JoinedPosts by cha ching
Another Galling WT Study
by Nicholaus Kopernicus injanuary 2016 watchtower (study edition).
be determined to “let your brotherly love continue”!.
this article was easy to read.
cha ching
Well said, NK, if you do not support sociopathic behavior, they will not have the power.... and who wants their life ruled by egotistical people? -
Only a few days ago I was entirely lost and without hope the rug was pulled out from under me
by elderess inonly a few days ago i was walking around the house in a mindless wander thinking if i needed to seek professional help.
then i got the courage to seek the comfort of complete strangers on the internet and found a world of support here on this website.
thank you simon and whoever else has made this website possible.
cha ching
Thank you for posting & giving more people hope. I also was the wife of an elder, had two great kids that were "in", one was married. We were always researchers, ready to stand up for what was right....BUT, I was so afraid for my kids... I wanted to save them so bad.... That was my nightmare..... Fortunately, all three did awaken... One of my sister's too... I remember how scary of a time that was.
The WT uses emotional blackmail, punishment, fear and all kinds of crap to keep people jailed in their mental priest that they like to call "mother". "She" is a cold hearted, child abusive woman.
You will LOVE living without her, enjoy!!!!!
Thanks for telling your story, it will give more people hope, it feels as if the dam is starting to bulge!!! Congratulations!
Cha Ching
AustralianRoyal Commission is big news in oz
by sherrie11 inthe catholic church case study28 is currently a major news item here in australia.
cha ching
Thanks, Umbertoecho, it is heartening to hear that FINALLY someone is not fooled by the WTBS BS!
Angus Stewart was well prepared for their shifty shenanigan wording and dodging of facts, he really exposed them for what they are.
Today's Daily Text - Being Uneducated And Ordinary... WTF!!!
by Divergent inthursday, march 3. they were uneducated and ordinary men.—acts 4:13.. in recent years, the spiritual instruction provided by jehovah’s organization has reflected an increased emphasis on simplicity and clarity.
consider three examples.
first, there is the simplified edition of the watchtower.
cha ching
"Oh, but you are special, God opened up your heart and revealed them to you!
Less than one percent of the world knows "these refined/changed/manufactured) truths"."
Right!?! More WT BS.....
Elders & Ex Elders, did knowing sins of congregation members change how you treated them?
by Wasanelder Once inwhen you found out all the sins of fellow witnesses did it effect how you treated them?
it was shocking when i found out the range of bs these people did to each other.
i don't mean sexual abuse, i mean fraud, theft, infidelity and more.
cha ching
My husband was an elder, and though he did not tell me anything, I always had to deal with hesitancy or not wanting to do things with brother/sistr a, b, c, d, e, f, g....
There were sooooo many JC's in our hall, and some pretty crummy stuff going on... so, yes.... it made it harder for my husband to 'relax, and have a good time,' around people that he knew to be not so nice..
Louisiana Judge Rules That Priests Don’t Have to Report Abuse if They Hear It During Confession
by ttdtt inleave it to the deep south.. sad..
cha ching
"But, on the stand today, Father Bayhi told a Judge he can’t even confirm whether someone even came to confession. That’s just how sacred it is. He added no one would trust priests if confessions were public."
He sounds so proud of himself.......
When is it going to become more important to protect the victim instead of the abuser?
Is religion really that more important? Hmm?
Every Know Anyone Too "Weak" To Wake Up?
by freemindfade ina jw that is probably irregular, they don't really attend meetings, they are not up on anything going on, they may even seem like they are faded but they are not, they are just slackers.
a jw that is impervious to the f.o.g.
(ok maybe it bums them, but they are too lazy and self serving to do otherwise).
cha ching
I have known people "out" for years... DF'd.... doing whatever, as if they are not JW's....
but always thinking it "was the truth" (in a weird way) in the back of their mind, and maybe going to come back "to be with their family".....
Emotional, social blackmail.... that is the hook.
cha ching
This is a very sweet article, and it puts into words what many of us feel like.
"I found this quote from the July 2009 issue of Awake! (published by Jehovah’s Witnesses) noteworthy: “No one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family.”
Judah always has a smile for anyone and everyone. It’s the cutest thing to watch her, her eyes intent on learning. All I know is… I can’t imagine ever turning my back on my children.
Neither can I, Stephanie... and that is why we are all out, we have love... true love.
JW Child Abuse Documentary
by cappytan in
let's set aside our differences for the moment and appreciate this excellent documentary cedars put together that should prove to be an invaluable tool in helping to expose the child abuse issues in the organization.. i was humbled to be able to help with this project on such an important subject, though my part in it was insignificant..
cha ching
This was absolutely amazing and very professional. Thank you to all involved for the hours it must have taken to produce this.
The most crucial pieces of evidence, quotes and experiences were put together in an uncluttered, clear and 'hit the nail on the head' way. Great questions were asked that have to make the people with a conscience have to think.
I enjoyed the music, great job, and the use of different scenery that was used to break up the different topics.... good photography. The reader, of the documents and scriptures is very good also, I give my hats off & thanks to him also.
The 3 countries, the estimates of how many pedophiles, this was all put together in a very logical, simple, fresh and powerful way.
Thank you Lloyd Evans for the great job! It will be historical.
Left Bethel to get married and have children, found the TTATT instead
by jehobi inlong story, short story.
grew up on a farm, went to bethel, married a sister and left bethel.
found ttatt after my cousin died refusing a blood transfusion.
cha ching
Congratulations jehobi, welcome to the light.
Like Bonsai said, perhaps the dam (of information) will soon break!
Welcome! Cha Ching!